Wind and Solar

Smart balancing solutions for intermittent renewable energy producers

Unleash the flexibility of your energy  

Discover the full potential of your energy assets and create new opportunities from balancing


  • Intermittent energy production presents a challenge in achieving consistency and maximizing returns, requiring both flexibility and accurate forecasting. Current solutions such as batteries can be expensive, have long lead times, and offer limited reliability, leading to only minor improvements in project profitability.


  • Using purpose-built balancing assets and end-to-end solutions, we help energy producers diversify their portfolio and optimize their energy assets. Leveraging on complementary and supplementary solutions, we greatly improve project returns and create new income streams from balancing.
Use Cases

Upgrade your flexibility

Batteries are often considered the number one asset for energy producers to rely on. Batteries come with their challenges and restrictions. This last year has shown us that flexibility is key to thrive in this market.
Business challenge
Solution delivered
Impact created
Bridge the gap
Long time period between start of contracted transmission capacity costs and project go live
Smart Balancers are deployed quickly and create revenues during inactive launch phase
Reduce new project risks and improve stability by mitigating setup costs
Maximize balancing potential
Assets are unable participate in multiple markets concurrently (aFFR vs mFFR / down vs up)
Smart Balancers enable the project to participate in multiple balancing markets in parallel
Additional source of income potential and diversification of concentration risk
Fill the gap
Battery's actual capacity is at least >20%+ lower than rated capacity
Smart Balancers fill the gap between rated and actual capacity
Maximize underutilized contracted transmission capacity

Business Case

Flexibility is too vital for energy producers to solely rely on batteries.